McSweeneys - #44
September 2013, McSweeney's 44 appears in a hardback cover, with the feel of a deluxe edition. “You have to see this” – Rachel Cohen edit..(read more)
Publisher: McSweeney's Publishing / 44
Author: McSweeneys
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Literature, Magazines, USA.

McSweeneys - #43
This issue (2013) is twinned with an anthology (the first-ever !) of fiction from the new nation of South Sudan, edited by Nyuol Lueth Tong. The regular issue c..(read more)
Publisher: McSweeney's Publishing / 43
Author: McSweeneys
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Literature, Magazines, USA.

McSweeneys - #42
This issue (2012) is devoted to multiples. Here appearing are 42 versions of twelve stories. What makes the difference ? The translations ! In this issue one ma..(read more)
Publisher: McSweeney's Publishing / 42
Author: McSweeneys
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Literature, Magazines, USA.

McSweeneys - #38
McSweeney's, started out in 1998 as a literary journal for work rejected by other magazines. The idea, however charming, had to be abandoned to accomodate ..(read more)
Publisher: McSweeney's Publishing / 38
Author: McSweeneys
Medium: Book
Category: Books & Magazines.
Tags: Literature, Magazines, USA.